Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Something for Nothing

"This American Life" a pod cast powered by Fed Burner deals with issues that common American's face all around the United States of America. Pod cast that I have chosen is dealing with people that put all effort that is in the grasp of their own power, but those efforts that they input don’t produce the willing product. So sometimes it doesn’t end up to be as they hopped for.

One chapter of the pod cast deals with people that want fast money from lottery. That quite intrigued me, because some of them spend thousands of dollars and get nothing from it. As said in pod cast they put something and get nothing. Why don’t they stop putting inside the lottery is interesting but some of them think and “know” that the lottery is fixed but still continue to put money that is essential for their life.The plots that they come up are absurd, few of them are quite racist

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