Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ray Douglas Bradbury was born on the 22nd of August 1920 in the small town of Waukegan, Illinois USA. He is one of the most notorious American writers who write novels based on science fiction, fantasy, horror and mystery themes. Ray Bradbury is best known for his books “Fahrenheit 451” and “The Martian Chronicles”. This famous novelist even adapted to the small screen, were his popularity was even increased by over than 20 television stations in America. Douglas since his early age was interested in books and was spending a lot of time in the library in his town the Carnegie Library. This library leaves a strong impression on Ray Bradbury after which he in the future books uses the library as the setting for novels such as “Something Wicked This Way Comes”. Besides writing about science fiction and horrors he published even essays about art and cultures were he got attention from the critics in this genre. Bradbury’s novels are even adapted from 1951 to 1954 for the EC comic books by Al Feldstein.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Something for Nothing

"This American Life" a pod cast powered by Fed Burner deals with issues that common American's face all around the United States of America. Pod cast that I have chosen is dealing with people that put all effort that is in the grasp of their own power, but those efforts that they input don’t produce the willing product. So sometimes it doesn’t end up to be as they hopped for.

One chapter of the pod cast deals with people that want fast money from lottery. That quite intrigued me, because some of them spend thousands of dollars and get nothing from it. As said in pod cast they put something and get nothing. Why don’t they stop putting inside the lottery is interesting but some of them think and “know” that the lottery is fixed but still continue to put money that is essential for their life.The plots that they come up are absurd, few of them are quite racist

Monday, April 6, 2009

Evo ”the Great Emperor”

Evo ”the Great Emperor”
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Evo Eliades “the Great Emperor” (born on the 22nd of February lived between 85bc-50ac in the town of Nicosia), was an emperor of the Middle East, Balkans and America. Evo Eliades was known of his conquering deeds that’s why he was named “the Great Emperor”, Eliades thought that he was decanted of the “Great Ones” and that he should rule all mankind.

Early Life

In his childhood his father and mother left him when he was born, because it was thought that in Egypt if you raise the child of the “Great Ones” you will ruin his potential strength of ruling the mankind. His mother Egyptian Goddess and father the Spartan sent him to Constantinople to study the master of arms and diplomacy. Evo Eliades was not interested in diplomacy because he thought that there is no reasoning with an enemy, so Evo changed course and went to seek the sensei called David Mavrovic.


Evo Eliades saw David Mavrovic as a father that he never had, believed word by word and training every day to become just like David. David Mavrovic have grasped already great powers and was seeking other ways to try to rule the world. Having a young decanted of the “Great Ones” was an opportunity of a life time. Gaining the trust in the young boy David Mavrovic used Evo to start recruiting great armies and to start the conquering of the World.

Waged Wars

In the 62bc Evo Eliades started the Great war against the Persian Empire, leading troops of over half a million heavily geared Soldiers. Evo Eliades had his prophet and sensei on his side in the battle. The Persians brought great casualties to his army. But Evo Eliades learned valuable war tactics such as phalanges and using light cavalry to out maneuver the enemy.

End of His Life
Evo Eliades had his mind poisoned by David Mavrovic .He couldn’t think clear anymore, poison in his head made him make discussion which would change the shape of the World.

Monday, March 16, 2009


One night David called me to for the concert of his favorite band. But he didn’t know that I would carry a weapon to the concert to protect my self and friends because the concert is in the most vicious neighborhood. When entered the arena the weapon got stolen from me. Second thing I realized and saw is that David is stabbed to death by his favorite band. Jumped to save David and to question the band why would they commit such a crime. Justification for his death was that he gave the middle finger to the lead singer. That made me go berserk and I started a rampage killing all the members of the band. But when the bloodlust ended I saw that I stabbed Marry to death. I couldn’t live with the mistake that I made, so the only thing to make it right was to end my life.

Mery Henin

Life taken from a young child
Who never looked at a person and not smiled

David Eliades

Oh tho the knife is in his spine
I see David on my back of line
Being a brave soldier by my right hand

Dying from the wounds inflected by the band