Thursday, September 11, 2008

Music is playing a big part of my every day life. Since my childhood i have been listening to instruments and also have been playing them. When i was seven years old i played the violin. One year later i stoped playing the violin because i lost interest in it. I found my self interested in other kinds of music. Like every other kid in my school i started listening to Dance and Metal. Because it was the most popular music in those times, and for kids my age it was music that could make you shake your head or jump around like a maniac.

Now when i am a more mature i started to listen to songs that have hidden meanings in them.
In 2004 in Serbia at a club called "SKC" Prodigy was performing. With my friends i went to see Prodigy perform. But when we arrived at the club they told us it was moved for next week and that we cant refund our tickets. So we asked if we could see artists that performed that night.
It was Reggae night and new artists performed. First on stage was a singer from Germany called Gentleman. He started singing, an at that point i couldn't understand a word he was saying because he was using the Jamaican accent, but the bit and the rhythm was really good. Which leads back to the thing i said that i am interested in hidden meanings in songs. I went home to find out the lyrics of the song "Superior" which caught my mind.

Tilmann Otto better know as Gentlelman is a German Reggae singer born on the 19Th of April 1975 in Osnabruck.
Hypnotised as a kid by Reggae music that his older brother was listening to.
He decided that he should go to Jamaica to feel the music first-hand. Tilmann Otto started singing in the band called "Freundeskreis" which didn't had big success. After that he became a Deejay but feeling that he had as a kid made him turn his orientation back to classic Reggae similar of Bob Marley's Reggae.
His album Confidence hit number 1 on album chart list's in Germany.

In this Video he is showing that love can even exist with no material support.
So just listen to the song and as Gentleman says "Open ya eyes and realizen".


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