Tuesday, November 25, 2008


1. Crazy is a concept defined by the majority of the society?

Agree, If you are an outcast or doing something that doesn't fit the pattern, yes you will be seen by society as an crazy person. Through out the cultures some individuals maybe seen as a crazy but for their culture they are perfectly normal. So that comes to the conclusion that ye, craziness is defined by the society.

2. Is women Nemesis for a man?

My opinion is that I agree, because History has shown how man were influenced by women in making bad judgments even do that we can argue otherwise. Some people argue that Eva Brown influenced Hitler but that is not the only case were women pushes a man to his limits and therefore making bad judgments. Other thing is when we grow up we hand out with male population and less with the female populates but as we grow up our need for "human nature thing" bond us together.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Everything that has a beginning has an end.

Matrix Revolutions is the final part of the Matrix trilogy published in 2003. The Movie is Directed and written by Wachowski Brothers. Matrix Revolutions is an action movie with a love story in the background.

The Movie begins were the Matrix Reloaded left over, with "the chosen one" trapped in the middle realm between machines and this world were he will see the future to save human mankind from machines and computer software's which have broken loose from human control. Now Neo the chosen one has a choice to alter the future of only two things, one to stop the virus (Smith) from slaughtering all people that live in Zion and 2nd choice is to save his love Trinity from dying.
The Movie it self is a master piece of computer Engineering and actors capabilities of performing acts and stunts. Amazing scene when machines breach the gates of Zion is mind-blowing. The final stand in Zion when machines start crawling in as a locust swarm and humans using all weaponry to defend Zion and all human mankind which is within Zion, the scene it self is breathless and by my opinion except maybe fights is one of the best scenes in Matrix Revolutions. Ah also can’t forget the scene with Neo facing the entire Smith's army in the rainy streets, excellent fight and good computer usage on that one.
Main character "Neo" in the Movie is played by Keanu Reeves. Probably one of his best movies simply perfection. Also you can see in the movie that he had to train a lot for the stunts and moves that take in the movie, maybe computers helped there but still... For all actors I think its hard to act as chose and usually they fail, but not Keanu Reeves he was like born for this movie.
Lets not forget Laurence Fishburne staring in movie as "Morpheus" the scene of the blue and red pill... simlpe the best. The best "bad guy" in the movie by my opinion is Agent Smith played by stage actor Hugo Weaving, simply amazing who would expect a stage actor to perform like that on a movie...
Movie followed the regular pattern of good against evil with of course having the chosen one facing a lot of difficulties achieving the main goal and defeating the evil. This is a trilogy so as a movie it should follow a pattern and it also has a love story which intrigues the audience. But as Neo struggles to achieve the goal he gets blinded and gets slowed down to succeed, so will he succeed you will have to watch the movie to find out.
With out the music movie wouldn't achieve that great success. Sound editing on The Matrix trilogy was completed by Danetracks in West Hollywood, CA. But in the last part of the movie they didn't include the music from the band "Rage Against the Machine" instead they used music from the artist called Don Davis who worked together with Juno Reactor. Music in the movie is simply brilliant.

Directed- by Larry Wachowski
Andy Wachowski
Produced- by Joel Silver
Larry Wachowski
Andy Wachowski
Written by-Larry Wachowski
Andy Wachowski
Starring- Keanu Reeves
Laurence Fishburne
Carrie-Anne Moss
Hugo Weaving
Monica Bellucci
Jada Pinkett Smith
Music by- Don Davis
Cinematography- Bill Pope
Editing by- Zach Staenberg
Distributed by- Warner Bros.Village Roadshow Pictures

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dont touch my little bro!!!

(0:03-0:05)-Hectar: Who is this new dude he thinks he is something, I am going to go and give him a lesson.
Hectar gets a biting from Chuck and stumbles across a small child
(0:16-0:18)-Little bro: Haha my brother Chuck has made a fool out of you haha!
(0:17-0:21)-Hectar: Oh so you are his younger brother, I am going to kidnap you and get my revenge!
In the mean time Chuck is biting every one up trying to get information about his brother
(0:34-0:35)-Little bro: Chucky help me! HELP!
(0:37-0:38)-Chuck: Let him go now this between you and me!
(0:38-0:43)-Hectar: So we meet again Chuck, but this time I have something of yours. Maybe you have defeated me once and made a fool out of me but now I will kill your brother.
(0:47-0:48)-Chuck: Not today!
(0:50-0:52)-Chuck: Now that you don’t have nothing of mine in your posetion come down coward and face me like a man.
(0:51-0:52)-Hectar: I am not coming down!
(0:53-0:56)-Chuck: Brother Do you want to get that chicken down?
(0:54:0:55)-Little bro: Yeah!!
(1:02-1:04)-Hectar: Wait man i didn't do nothing to your brother, please don't hurt me!!
Chuck doesn't forgive Hectar and starts biting him up again.
(1:09-1:10)-Little bro: Punch him in the face!!
After a hard biting from Chuck, Hectar ends up in the hospital.
(1:14-1:24)-Hectar: Oh the pain, look what that idiot has done to my hand look at my leg ahhh the pain. He will pay for this!!
The End

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Alan Bennett

Tony-award winning English play writer and author Alan Bennett was born on 9Th of May 1934 in Armley in Leeds. Alan Bennett son of a father who is a cop and butcher attended the Modern School in Leeds when it was still a grammar school. While Alan Bennett was in the National Service he gained a place in Cambridge. But Alan Bennett strives for perfection so he applied to Oxford University. While he attended Oxford University he was participating in comedy with number of actors that will become later on famous. Alan Bennett stayed at Oxford University for several years studying History,just to realize later that he wasn't the academic person.

Appearance on stage with other famous actours Bennett got instant fame. The play was done in August 1960 at the Edinburgh Festival.Satirical platy called Beyond the Fridge gave Alan Bennet fame that few people achieve.

Alan Bennett revealed in 2005 that he has undergone a medical treatment for cancer in 1997. Alan Bennett became a member of The Coterie in 2007 and before that he started openly speaking about his bisexuality.


Wikipedia. 17 Sept 2008. Alan Bennett

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Music is playing a big part of my every day life. Since my childhood i have been listening to instruments and also have been playing them. When i was seven years old i played the violin. One year later i stoped playing the violin because i lost interest in it. I found my self interested in other kinds of music. Like every other kid in my school i started listening to Dance and Metal. Because it was the most popular music in those times, and for kids my age it was music that could make you shake your head or jump around like a maniac.

Now when i am a more mature i started to listen to songs that have hidden meanings in them.
In 2004 in Serbia at a club called "SKC" Prodigy was performing. With my friends i went to see Prodigy perform. But when we arrived at the club they told us it was moved for next week and that we cant refund our tickets. So we asked if we could see artists that performed that night.
It was Reggae night and new artists performed. First on stage was a singer from Germany called Gentleman. He started singing, an at that point i couldn't understand a word he was saying because he was using the Jamaican accent, but the bit and the rhythm was really good. Which leads back to the thing i said that i am interested in hidden meanings in songs. I went home to find out the lyrics of the song "Superior" which caught my mind.

Tilmann Otto better know as Gentlelman is a German Reggae singer born on the 19Th of April 1975 in Osnabruck.
Hypnotised as a kid by Reggae music that his older brother was listening to.
He decided that he should go to Jamaica to feel the music first-hand. Tilmann Otto started singing in the band called "Freundeskreis" which didn't had big success. After that he became a Deejay but feeling that he had as a kid made him turn his orientation back to classic Reggae similar of Bob Marley's Reggae.
His album Confidence hit number 1 on album chart list's in Germany.

In this Video he is showing that love can even exist with no material support.
So just listen to the song and as Gentleman says "Open ya eyes and realizen".


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Army Service in Cyprus

The Country that is divided in two has to have a military service to protect the other half of their country of any treat. In the case of Cyprus were the Turks have invaded approximately ¼ of the country, they should be able to keep the order and to stop any expansion of the invaders. Cyprus is a small country and a member of EU so military protection is not necessary. Maybe the army is using a lot of resources so that would be a problem for the economy of Cyprus,but i doubt it. The military service should be changed that u can serve the army after university or even shorten the army service length because some universities don’t wait for the Greek Cypriots to finish the army and save their spots at universities. Two years are too long but military service have served Cyprus good for now.

My personal opinion that Cyprus should create a professional army. Because at age of 18 not every male is capable of serving the army nor holding a rifle, so a army full of 18 year old guys is not as efectiv as if they had a proffesional army in times of danger. That army of professionals would be more relaible and more easier to maitain with good technology and stuff.